Use cases

  • All can encrypt a message using the public key, but only the recipient can decrypt it using the private key
  • Encrypt a string using the public key and decrypting it using the private key

node version

  • 8.11.2

JavaScript Version

  • ECMAScript 6 and higher


Example Code for JavaScript Asymmetric String Encryption using RSA 3072

 * An example for asynchronous encryption and decryption of a String featuring:
 * - An out of the box working Example
 * - Generation of a RSA 3072 bit keypair
 * - Utf8 Encoding of Strings
 * - Base64 String encoding of byte-Arrays
 * - Logging of exceptions

var crypto = require("crypto"),
  winston = require("winston"),
  keypair = require("keypair");

const logger = winston.createLogger({
  format: winston.format.combine(
  transports: [
    new winston.transports.Console({
      format: winston.format.simple(),
      handleExceptions: true

const demonstrateKeyBasedAsymmetricEncryption = () => {
  try {
    // replace with your actual String
    let exampleString =
      "Text that is going to be sent over an insecure channel and must be encrypted at all costs!";
    // generate a keypair, in asynchronous encryption both keys need to be related
    // and cannot be independently generated keys
    // keylength adheres to the "ECRYPT-CSA Recommendations" on ""
    // not needed if you already posses public and private key
    let pair = keypair(3072);

    // encrypt String
    let toEncrypt = Buffer.from(exampleString, "utf8");
    let encrypted = crypto
      .publicEncrypt(pair["public"], toEncrypt)

    // decrypt String
    let toDecrypt = Buffer.from(encrypted, "base64");
    let decrypted = crypto
      .privateDecrypt(pair["private"], toDecrypt)
      "Decrypted String and original String are the same: %s",
      exampleString.localeCompare(decrypted) === 0 ? "yes" : "no"
  } catch (error) {

// run the exampleFunction

// for unit testing purposes
module.exports = { demonstrateKeyBasedAsymmetricEncryption, logger };



Tobias Hirzel

